Friday, September 21, 2012

Lili O. Senior Portraits

So since I threw my hat into the ring of professional photography at the END of last school year, I didn't get any senior portrait shoots booked...until this month! YAY! We had headed to Point Defiance State Park...they have a lovely Rose Garden and Pond...Such a perfect backdrop for a photo shoot.

Without further ado..Meet Lili O.

Lili is a senior from Tacoma who is hoping to maybe go on to nursing when she graduates in June. I loved how natural and easy her smile deer in the headlights looks this day! She was game for getting down in the grass and up into trees too...

If you know any seniors in the Seattle metro area who want a fun shoot tell them about me...I'm also running THIS special for the next while! So e-mail me! I'd love to work with you!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Old friends & Beachy Photos

This shoot has a story...this is my OLDEST friend...not as in she's SOOOOOO old...though I mean she IS a whole 6 months older than I am...but we have been friends since we were 5 years old...we met over the fence of our neighbor...who forever after that lamented our climbing said fence to visit each other. 

There have been times of when she moved to California, and of course that time I lived in Scotland... But we have remained friends....our boys hers 8 and mine 7 while they live far apart have gotten to know each other, and have many of the same challenges...our girls, well they just met at this last photo shoot.  

She just got married again...and her son was up from Cali for the we decided to get together to commemorate it all. They are a fun loving, laid back, raucous...and lovely group to be around.  

So here is to OLD friends...and new friends in the case of her new husband whom I got to meet finally...and to childhood friends who know us better than we know ourselves sometimes... Also, to old friends who know how  to keep you calm when everything seems to go wrong! We set this shoot up on the day before a long trip... And amidst the festivities my 16 month old threws my keys in the sand and they were LOST...utterly..and we spent an hour in the 95+ degree sun scouring the ground hoping against hope we might...MAYBE be able to find them....but nope. We finally got it resolved...bought a new key and my family and I were able to head to Yellowstone the next day as planned...but thank goodness I had her to help me see the comedy in it all...because well...Holy Stress Batman!

So without further long winded ado.... The Lopez Family!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Introducing: Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay!

It may have a been a small wedding, but the love was large...and obvious.  The ceremony simple and beautiful. I had a great time shooting this wedding...and welcomed the help of my husband as a second shooter! Here's looking forward to many more, small, simple, and beautiful weddings! 

Congratulations to the Lindsays! 

This little guy followed us around most of the day. I bet he just knew a kinsman when he sniffed him. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

J & L : Getting Hitched!

Sometimes a shoot doesn't go EXACTLY as you plan...this was one of them. We ended up getting our workout on a sunny evening at Magnuson park in Seattle.  What was supposed to be a wee jaunt up became a long walk. Thanks to "L" and "J" for being good sports..and not laughing at me as I huffed my way up that last hill on the way back! All in all it was a fun shoot...I look forward to shooting them again soon at their wedding later this year.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

"M" Family Sneak Peek!

This last week I had the great privilege of  taking this lovely family's pictures...bringing the new grand baby to visit from being stationed "over there" somewhere... We were lucky to have a lovely day that was warm and but not too bright for the shoot! 

Congratulations again to the "M" family on the new little one (She was soo good!! And, of course, adorable.) 

Here's the peak!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Little moments

While I DO tend to carry my "big" camera around a lot more than my kids would like...(oh the curse of having a photographer for a mom!) I sometimes don't have it with me when my kids do something particularly cute...and when that happens, I thank the photography gods for Instagram.

My baby loves to look at books...obviously at 15 months she can't read..but she loved this swing at her brothers OT visit...and I was SO glad I could capture this moment! I love candid moments like these.

Friday, June 1, 2012

C + M = Love

This weekend I was privileged to shoot a close friends wedding. It was a small affair, but in no way did that lessen the fun, or the love swirling about! I had a lot of fun shooting this laid back couple and their friends and family (and some of mine as well...since my children were the Ring bearer and Flower girl).

The venue was BEAUTIFUL, and flooded with light. It was over all just a beautiful, joyous wedding that echoed the beaming smile on the brides face.